Internet history & (1304B)
1 +++ 2 title = 'Internet history & overview' 3 +++ 4 # Internet history & overview 5 Internet — network of networks, connected to public backbone, with comms over TCP/IP 6 7 - started in late 1960 s as ARPANET 8 - email was one of the first features (7972) 9 - only a military thing 10 - then, universities, in NSFNET 11 - NL was the first non-US country! 12 13 Internet governance is held by: 14 15 - IETF (internet engineering task force) 16 - develops standards 17 - anyone can participate 18 - IANA/ICANN, W3C 19 20 World Wide Web: a collection of machines providing information via HTTP 21 22 - invented at CERN, 1989, by Tim Bernerns-Lee 23 - goal: simplify sharing research results over internet 24 - originally competed with WAIS, Gopher, ARCHIE 25 - distinctive features: 26 - locating documents with URLs (uniform resource locators) 27 - document representation in HTML 28 - communication over HTTP 29 - web browsers are used by clients to 30 - convert URLs to HTTP requests 31 - communicate with web servers via HTTP/TCP/IP 32 - render documents returned by web server 33 - additional features: scripts, events, GUI, security, plugins 34 35 Content markup (HTML) 36 37 - what role a piece of content plays in document 38 - semantic 39 - "what", not "how" 40 41 Style markup (CSS) 42 43 - how content should be presented 44 - includes format stuff like screen size